I let the tank run for about 5 days and didn't see anything being picking up on the tests, at the LFS.
So I decided to pick up some fish..
A Little Cherub Angelfish, approx. 1.5" and a Yellow Watchman Goby, approx. 1" and a Candy Cane Pistol Shrimp.
The first night the Cherub found a hiding spot and went to sleep. Nothing to worry about there.
But the Yellow Watchman constantly tried to jump. Thankfully the tank came with a glass cover and he was
It's been about 2 years since my last reefing experience.
I have decided to get back into things with a tiny little guy!
Picked it up on 11/13/13.
My goal is to get a nice Zoa/Ricordia garden going on. Possibly might get a Goby/Pistol shrimp combo going on as well.
This setup doesn't have a skimmer, it is just a little internal pump moving things through
Hello all,
I have a large colony of Red and Green Blsatomussa Wellsi.
The thing has been growing consistently, but has never "attached" onto anything that I have placed it next to.
just recently i have started to see the largest polyp, which is right in the center, start to "split" and several smaller polyps start to be visible in the area around the deflated middle polyp. This is the only polyp affected as there are several other polyps around it that are looking