I have or should say had a acro frag and noticed that it was not doing well. When I looked closer it had a number of what I think are amphipods on it and looked like they were eating it. I have looked on the web and it seems that most people feel that amphipods do not eat corals and are only cleaning up dead or dying tissue. The now seem to have moved to another coral. Any advise or comment would be appreciated.
I am in the early stages setting up a in wall 125 mixed reef. The tank will be delevered next week. I have 100 pounds of dry rock and before I put put it into a tub to start to cure, I thought I would tHere is my first attept at the rock lay out. I welcome any comments
I am in the process of setting up an in-wall 125 gallon mixed reef and would like to ask for some recommendations on which return pump and skimmer would be best. The desplay tank will have two 1 1/2 inch drains and I am building a 40 gallon sump. I appricate any input.
Thank you