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New Additions

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So over the last two weeks I've added some new critters. I joined PMAS and found that the local forums are a good place to buy livestock on the cheap.

Monti caps (Green, purple, orange) - 10$ each
Frogspawn (2 heads) - 10$
Hammer (3 heads) - 10$

2-3" GBTA - 10$

I got the monti caps last week to kind of "test" the water, they are starting to encrust on the rocks a little and havnt browned out, which is a good sign that my nutrients are low.

The GBTA I got today, picked him up from a local reefer whos orginal nem split the first day he got it. Thats a good thing, the "split" gene is said to be a sign of a hardy BTA.

The maroons are hosting this poor little nem already, pestering the shit out of it. Hopefully it doesnt get stressed too badly. I may need to block it off from the clowns.



Edit: also forgot to mention that i have a towel over the screen top to acclimate the BTA to my halide. The owner had it under PC so its a HUGE difference that may hurt it. I plan on leaving the towel there until monday, then I will use more transparent paper towels.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Maroon clownfish are really hard on amenones, and your new anemone may not be able to take it. I've seen them kill a rose BTA in the past, so you probably should consider screening it off for now to keep the clowns at bay and feed it to get it bigger first.

    Congrats on joining a local club!
  2. Reefdaddy's Avatar
    Yep Marc is right, Maroon's are notorius for beating the hell out of Anemones, Shelter it for a bit.