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Random tank pics

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Well seems like everyone would rather tank pics than floor pics go figure....

Heres a few.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Nice healthy corals. Thanks for sharing. I'm liking those acropora mini-colonies.
  2. washingtond's Avatar
    You have a very good looking clean tank there.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Beautiful colors in your tank! And yeah, all your corals and fish look so healthy. Awesome! ;-)
  4. Blown76mav's Avatar
    I've got some Cyano I'm dealing with right now as you can see in some of the pics. Other than that this upgrade is going great.

    thanks for the compliments.
  5. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    Yeah, I hope I can get acros to look like yours.
  6. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Thanks, they all started out as 1 inch pieces about a year ago or so.
  7. Hat39406's Avatar
    Wow, they are looking good! What lighting do you use again?
  8. Blown76mav's Avatar
    They were under 2 250W MH 14K (Hamilton's), and 1 400w 15K (Bluelline) 31" deep tank. Now with the shorter tank I'm just using the 2 250's with the 24" deep tank. The Tri-Color is really starting to pop in color. The leather finger coral 5th pic down was just a single finger two years ago, it sheds on a monthly basis.

    But there is a down side, I can't seem to keep any birds nest or montipora's I've tried two different green birdsnest, a pink one and a Bird of Paradise with no luck, within 6 months they die. My Zoa's started taking off about 8 months ago when I put them all on one rock.

    I also started using Cyclopeze about 6 months ago which helped some of the algae on the glass and the fish all seem to love it.
  9. melev's Avatar
    The lower the nitrate, the better the birdsnest will do.
  10. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Well that would explain it, my nitrates are usually 10ppm or less, there have been a few times they get into the 20-30ppm range. I'm doing 44g water changes every two weeks and don't overfeed, sometimes even skipping a day. I was using a homemade food receipe but learned that the squid has a lot of fat that affected the water quality. I'm hoping with the new food I can continue to get the nitrates down.