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T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank)

Quotes are out!

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I finished up getting all my paperwork done for quotes today. We approached 4 different vendors when it was all said and done with. I also approached Oceans Motions about design feedback given that most of the circulation is going to be done via their four-way pumps. So now we wait.

We've been keeping ourselves semi occupied by chasing down some power problems we've been having in rooms around the tank room. Kevin's trying to plan how he wants to run and control all the additional power we're going to need in the tank room, and its so far proving difficult. I'm not happy with the look huge banks of sockets, I want something that is going to be both clean, and functional.

Yay! Hidden splices, just what we all want to find in our walls.

Explanation granted for why half the plugs in the basement don't work.

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Tags: quotes
Tank Entry , ‎ Electrical , ‎ DIY projects


  1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    What really bugs me in that second photo is the lack of a ground wire! Something very necessary for safty, especially around salt water.
  2. michika's Avatar
    I know! I think we're settling on the idea that ALL the walls in the basement have to be removed and all the electrical re-run, even the stuff that isn't tank related. I was hoping that we could salvage SOMETHING of the original basement, but as you can see, it ain't happening.

    I have however established an equation for renovations: budget + 50% mark up for product + additional food and beer consumption proportional to square footage of the area = real cost.
  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Sounds about right, my personal projects always take twice the money and 3 times the time I anticipate.
  4. Reefdaddy's Avatar
    I would on the phone to Mike Holmes, lol, Thats the kinda stuff they find in all his reno's. man good thing a fire did'nt happen. Keep the piucs comming.