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55 gallon sw build update

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Well I ordered my SW test kit and the agua lifter pump Melev recommended for my overflow. I put the other side on the overflow and am waiting for it to cure for a day or two and will water test it.

Was going to order my 4x54 watt T5 fixture this weekend but a bad battery in my car took the funds so its gonna have to wait.

Its moving a lot slower than I wanted but life and money are interfering

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  1. Reefdaddy's Avatar
    Hang in there man, The end result is always the goal. Iam going to make my own lighting in my thread, I have about 18 ice cap reseptacles and 10 Ice cap reflectors, I am only using a total for 6 lights, If your intersted follow my thread and any left overs we could work out a deal.