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55 gallon acrylic fresh water for green spotted puffer fish is set up

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Well I set up the new 55 gallon home for the 3 green spotted puffer fish only to find that one of the green spotted puffer fish had committed suicide and jumped out of the tank and onto the floor roughly 5 feet below. I watched one of them do it when I was home, figured he was dead from the fall but I got him back into the tank and was fine a few hours later. Not sure if it was the same one or not so now the 2 puffers have 55 gallons to play in.

Going to use one of my 96 watt Power compact retro kits I got for my saltwater tank to light this tank as I decided to buy a new 4x54 watt t5 fixture for my saltwater tank.

Will be posting pictures later as I dont have any lights on it yet. i have two heaters running and a HOB filter. Very basic fresh water set up.

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Tank - Full Summary


  1. beachorama's Avatar
    Will you be converting them to high brackish water or even full marine?

    Sorry to hear about the jumper. A 55 gal is minimum size for adult GS puffs anyway.


    PS: Would love some pictures!!!
  2. Pufferpunk's Avatar
    Although it's always sad to loose a fish, you would have had to re-home one anyway, as the 55g really is too small for even the 2 of them when they grow into 6" adults.