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Jessy's Candyshop Cubed - The Intro

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Yes, hell hath frozen over. And yes I finally got another tank. It has been over a year and a half since I broke down my 150 Gallon Candyshop. It has been a long break but it has been good for me. I moved to a new apartment and have made room for a smaller tank. I decided on the Current Solana XL 60 cube. I picked it up this morning and I think I found the perfect spot for it next to my desk so I can stare at it all day (since I work from home).

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My biggest concern in this small 1 bedroom apartment is heat, and energy efficiency. Luckily I won a LED 36 Retro from Ecoxotic after MACNA. So that made my lighting choice pretty simple.

The planning stages.

Make a canopy or enclosure for the light to be dropped into (and to add additional stunner strips)
Decide on which rock to purchase and how to aquascape (MarcoRock maybe?)
Purchase all the gizmos that go with aquariums (mag float, thermometer, refractometer, etc)
Figure sump out (ie silicone baffles for a fuge section)
Decide on skimmer
Acquire flow-Necessary?-- I want me a Vortech baby
Acquire power center---I'm thinking Digital Aquatics RKL-NET

The tank needs to not be high maintenance. I'm out of town a lot and I also just don't want to obsess over Alk and Ca so I'm going to try to limit the livestock to LPS, Sofies, and Zoas. I also loooove fish, so a couple wrasses, gobies, and a dartfish or two are definitely going to be going in the display. I'm really happy to be back getting my feet (and hands) wet again. Look forward to sharing my journey with all of you.

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Updated 10-09-2010 at 03:57 PM by Jessy

Tank - Full Summary


  1. diablo30xp's Avatar
    Congrats on the new tank Jesse. Good looking to. As well as welcome back.
  2. bolo's Avatar
    Congrats on your new tank.
  3. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Congrats, can't wait to see it progress.
  4. Trido's Avatar
    Congrats on the new tank Jesse. Your low maintanance scheme should work out real well with all of your traveling.
  5. Snakebyt's Avatar
    grats, looks like a great tank for a smaller place.I have always loved the cube tanks. Cant wait to see it come together.. post lots of pics
  6. Jessy's Avatar
    Thanks guys. I'm working on the plumbing right now and figuring out if I want to change the return a little bit
  7. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    LOVE it. You should be able to make a very aesthetically pleasing rockscape with that cube, some marcorock, and your creative background. Your biggest obstacle looks to be the canopy but I'm sure Marc will make it for free!

    For a skimmer I would maybe go with a Venturi. Depending on the manufacturer, they are usually "set it and forget it" and for the most part reliable. No special and expensive needlewheel pumps, shafts or mesh to replace and clean. Not trying to preach, just brainstorming.
  8. Hat39406's Avatar
    Congrats Jessy!! Can't wait to see it come together. I absolutely love the way you designed the 150g; so I know this new one will be awesome! ;-)