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How to use Reef Addicts for the RA challenged?

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LOL, I am Reef Addict challenged. I understand what Marc is trying to do and be different, but I am so used to forums that I cannot find my way around RA. I am so confused. I can make a post (blog) and find them on my profile, but everything else seems so random on the site. I need someone (Marc?) to come to Memphis and show me how this place works...... LOL I guess old forum habits die hard.......

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  1. NightShade's Avatar
    Well it is setup more like a blog/news site than a forum. One of the things that may help is to bookmark the blog pages that you want to follow, especially if you don't check in every day. Also check your profile and see if you are automatically subscribing to things you post to. This will then set you up so that you receive an e-mail if there is a reply to something. Or on the right hand side underneath the persons picture on a post you can click "subscribe to this blog" if you just want to follow along. Alternatively bookmark your favorite posters profile page and click on the blog tab to see what they have been up to.

    I enjoy the forums as well where people can look at a glance and see where things have new stuff happening with a main page where news can be posted. But this isn't too bad once you figure out a few tricks to help you along.

    I would actually compare the blog feature to an old style BBS than anything.
  2. OneReef's Avatar
    For example, if you are on the home page, and go to the bottom of the page and click 'view all' you don't get to 'view all'. You get taken to some random page. Is that what you see when you click it, or is it just me?
  3. NightShade's Avatar
    Interesting. . . the page I get to is /list.php/section/1-welcome with a Title of articles. I have never dealt with Vbulletin so i don't know how it handles the news pages. On the sites I have setup it shows all the current and past articles posted on the main page about 10 to 25 at a time. What it could be doing is showing the ones that are not listed on the main page but I believe there are more than 3 that are not shown so this is something Marc and his people will have to look into. You may want to use the article index on the left hand side and look through the categories instead for past items.
  4. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    It took me a while too, and I still undecided if I like it but i'm slowly getting the hang of navigating the site and blogs.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Let me see if I can help.

    To follow your favorite bloggers, subscribe via email notification to their blog. Any new entry they make, you'll get a notification in your inbox. You can always see the latest blogs in the upper right corner of the front page, as well as Recent Blog Posts on the mid-to-lower right side of the Blogs page.

    Articles are assigned to categories. When you click "View All" it will show you all the articles in that category. We have well over 100 articles, so check the category you like and click View All. The latest articles will always be on the front page, and as new ones are added previous ones scroll off.

    We provide lines on our Facebook wall as well as our Twitter feed, so you can always search those for specifics if you prefer. And our YouTube channel has all of our videos at your disposal.

    Lastly, don't forget we have our monthly podcast available from our site and can be subscribed to via iTunes (search for 'reefaddicts' in the podcast category and subscribe).