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New lights

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So my efforts to clean reflectors are futile, there is tons of pitting and it aint worth it.

So looking at buying new reflectors is gonna cost me about $60+

I would much rather just buy a new set. The one I want is $460 and I dont have that cash.

So I was looking at

Is this going to be enough light? I was thinking I could suplement with maybe one of the PC light units I have which is a 96watt as well.

Any thoughts? Its half of the total wattage of my 4x96watt PC lights I wanted to use but everything I am reading is saying with T5's the whole 4-5watts per gallon is out the window.

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    t5 output per wattage is better than power compacts. how deep is you tank?
  2. chbix's Avatar
    its a standard 55g so thats 18 inches deep
  3. sedor's Avatar
    Its not that it wouldn't work, but in this hobby you get what you pay for and there is very rarely a product that happens to be a quarter of the price but performs the same than the higher end fixtures. If your just looking to light your tank and not grow anything to intense then i'd say sure go for it, but you'll likely end up replacing the unit in the near future either because your not satisfied with it, or it simply stops working. When you invest in a higher end product you get something well build that is going to last you a long time and probably last someone else a long time when you decide to sell it. Sometimes its better to just start putting some cash aside and save for what you really want than to just get the thing that fits the budget at the moment, but that is just my two cents.
  4. Mccoy85's Avatar
    just out of curiosity, what light fixture were you looking to get. also what kind of corals are you looking to keep. Like what sedor said in this hobby you really do get what you pay for. for the most part you cant expect a high light acro to do well under pc's or even under low bulb quantity t5 fixtures. so my suggestion would be to really figure out what you want to be able to keep and base your light off of that. even if it takes a little longer to get