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Progress on my 245G build

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Here is my latest progress on my 245G build.

Stand Completed. The stand was built with a 2x4 bottom, 2x6 top, and 2x8 legs. Probably a little bit over built but better to be safe than sorry. The pic shows the frag tank on the top.

After my trip to MACNA, I got some more motivation to get working on this some more.

I was able to get stand into position and start the front wall.

Top installed on the stand

Foam installed and tank placed on stand. My cousin (the same one who helped carry it down the stairs) helped me get the tank on the stand.

Finally some progess on getting the fish room framed out.

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  1. Mockery's Avatar
    Very nice. You will love the in wall look. I know I do.
  2. mhowe9's Avatar
    I am looking forward to the in-wall. I have liked all of the in-wall tanks that I have seen in person.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    For some reason I can only see the first pic with my iPhone. :-( I'm moving my office in my home right now and can't wait until my desktop is in place so I can see all ya pics.
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Haha.. Right after I posted the pics appeared. Very nice progress! Tanks a monster! ;-)
  5. mhowe9's Avatar
    Thanks Hat!
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    You are welcome! I believe if I ever build a stand I will copy off you. I want a stand thaat is going to hold. Looking at some of the factory stands, wwow, they don't look like they would hold up. Especially when you have a real large tank, like you have. I know that you don't need to build it too "thick" but I would just for the piece of mind. I like your design! ;-)
  7. mhowe9's Avatar
    I am a little bit of fan of over-kill when I comes to stands. I built something very similar on my 180G. There is a design by someone called Rocket Engineer on RC that I used when I built my 180. I basically followed the same concept. The basic idea is to not have any of the load on the screws/nails. All of the load should be on the wood.

    Thanks again for the compliments.
    Updated 09-12-2010 at 08:22 PM by mhowe9