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my 120g mixed reef

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hey guys this is my 120g mixed reef.

120g tank 48"x24"x24"
50g sump w/refugium(going to be 80g sump and 75g refugium when we move to our new house)
2x250w 15k radium bulbs powered by 2 icap hqi ballest.
1 48" icap led actinic
reeflo dart
1" scwd
1" seaswirl

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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Very clean tank! Awesome rock work too!! ;-)
  2. thatguy559's Avatar
    thank you....................
  3. reefocd's Avatar
    Nice! I forgot what natural rock looked like.... Mines seriously covered in coraline algae. I'd prefer less, just don't know how to achieve that goal at this point. How new is your tank?
  4. thatguy559's Avatar
    its been up since june. the rocks and sand were from my last tank i had set up for 2 1/2 years but i had to move. so they stayed in 100g stock tank with no light but flow and heater. did water changes and fed it a raw shrimp every 2 weeks.
  5. Rydr119's Avatar
    Looks great. I like the minimalist approach to the rock work and corals.
  6. thatguy559's Avatar
    those pics were from 1 month ago here is the update

  7. thatguy559's Avatar
    more pictures

  8. thatguy559's Avatar
    more pictures

  9. Hat39406's Avatar
    Awesome!!! I love them frags, beautiful colors.
  10. thatguy559's Avatar
  11. thatguy559's Avatar
    the purple is the uv lighting i put on