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Return pump temp

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I have a 30 gal tank with 20 gal sump and my mag 3 raises the temp 2 or 3 degrees. What other pump could I use to get the same performance but not temp as the mag? I do not want to add fans to keep it at peek but will add them to help keep it down.



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  1. NightShade's Avatar
    If I am correct any pump that is internal will transfer heat to the water. You could try adding an intake to the pump and raise it partly out of the water in the return section. Otherwise an external pump would be all that I know of to reduce the heat transfer, but with a tank your size I don't really see that as being an option.

    If you do raise your pump out of the water you will have to make a small stand for it to sit on and the take a piece of pvc from the intake down into the water. And make sure that the pump just barely is out of the water when the sump is at working height. That way when you turn the pump off the water will raise a bit and you won't have to worry about trying to prime the pump. You could also try making an overflow from the sump into your pump and set the pump beside the tank but that will depend on if you have room or not. You will likely have to prime the pump the first time but as long as the pump is lower than your average water level it should stay primed unless you have some leaks in your plumbing.
  2. melev's Avatar
    What tank temperatures are you dealing with? When does it get its hottest? You can raise your lights, open the canopy, open the stand door slightly, add fans... I wouldn't change out the pump necessarily. What size plumbing is attached to that pump? 1" pipe or 1/2" pipe? If it is 1/2", that's part of the heat problem because the pump is too restrictive.

    You can run you lights later in the day when your home is a little cooler.
  3. cfsindorf's Avatar
    I come off the pump with 3/4 hose to 1 inch in tank. Should I change it to 1 inch alll the way up? Temp in the range of 81 to 83.8. I added a fan and it dropped it a bit and will probably add another. Two are better than one
  4. Blown76mav's Avatar
    81-83*, my tank see upward of 85* in the summer. I wouldn't worry about it unless you have sea horses.