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dosing kalk question..

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I am gonna start to dose kalk but i wanted to know is how much to make for a 75g and 55g sump so probably about 100g total cuz 55g is sump and fuge. I have for live stock is 5 fish and 10 softies 1 lps and 3 sps 1 mini colony and the other 2 are small frags and about 70lbs of live rock and a 2" sand bed. I wanted to know whats a good base to start with?

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    How are you gonna dose? With your top off? If so I would start will 50% RO water and 50% Kalk water and test daily to see what your tank is doing. It may take a few weeks to fine tune your mixture.
  2. Mits's Avatar
    Whatever you do, keep a close eye on it until you get it dialed in. I once accidentally doubled my dose of kalk in my drip and wouldn't have noticed it without my ph reading on the reefkeeper lite steadily raising. If I wouldn't have paid attention who knows what could have happened.
  3. diablo30xp's Avatar
    i want to drip dose it it.
  4. sedor's Avatar
    Most people start with 1 tbsp of kalk per gallon of RO water. You can go as high as 2 per gallon.
  5. mledford's Avatar
    The best way as I have found without a Kalk Reactor is the obvious drip method. With my current system, I drip 2-gallons of Kalk Solution in my tank. I only do this with the lights off at night when the Ph is naturally supressed every other night, sometimes every 3 days. The Mixture I use is 12 grams per 2 gallons of water.

    One thing to remember and a common mistake when dripping. Always make the solution in enough time to allow a couple hours for all the suspended particles settle. Once you make up your solution (water and powder) your gunna shake it. You want this to settle. Once settled you'll want to start a slow drip about 30 - 40 per minute with lights off and at night.

    I use the Brightwell Aquatics Kalk+2 and have had very good luck.