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The sump is out

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It took three of us 5 hours yesterday to pull out the sump and get it set up in the livingroom. It's a horrendous science experiment now, eating up tons of space and looking truly insane. Amazingly, all was accomplished without a single run to Home Depot.

Full Tank Shot for August!




The manifold is feeding everything in the sump as before.

The angled tank is no more. The livestock was moved into the coral propagation section, and a protective eggcrate shield was installed around the two pumps intakes to keep the RBTA away from them.

The liverock is finally plumbed into the system. It hasn't been since July 4th. It is fed with the same plumbing that flowed to the angled tank, and drains back into the sump.

My son took over 200 pictures yesterday, but those will have to wait. I'm heading to the airport shortly, as I'm speaking in Pittsburgh this weekend.

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  1. Reefski's Avatar
    that is crazy. you are amazing. you must be a bit nervous leaving so soon after though.
  2. NightShade's Avatar
    Wow. . . I can imagine the work it took to get that thing moved and then get the plumbing going again. You might need the bottle of vodka for yourself tonight, lol. btw how is your back doing? Hopefully not overdoing things. Wish I was closer to help you out man.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    WOW Marc! You sure you don't want to start a frag business out of ya home? You are already set up and ready to go. At least everything is out of the way and you now can move forward with the build. ;-)
  4. melev's Avatar
    The good news is that I think I have a little more time before the tank arrives. The glass hasn't shown up at Marineland yet, and won't for two weeks.

    The bad news is my livingroom is gonna be full for at least two extra weeks. I may go insane.
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    Yeah, but you know ya love it! Reef stuffff everywhere..wooohooooo! ;-)
  6. Wes's Avatar
    lol, as you said last night, WHAT A FULL TANK SHOT! lol
  7. Hat39406's Avatar
    Shows how complicated and huge ya system was. When I took down my tank I had everything in one rubbermaid with two powerheads, a heater and a light on top. hahahahahaha In fact my wife wanted me to hurry up and ger it done. You lucky you're not married at this moment. :-)
  8. washingtond's Avatar
    I must admit those pictures gave me a headache. You have got quite the project going on there.
  9. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    That is amazing Marc.
  10. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    where are you speaking in PGH? Wetpets? Elmer's?

    edit - just saw the calendar, too bad i'm not member.
  11. melev's Avatar
    Join the club, then you can attend too. They may even allow guests to attend, like our club does.
  12. sedor's Avatar
    Love the FTS!!!
  13. TomNeely's Avatar
    You can come as a guest. I will be there.
  14. mr. fix it's Avatar
    marc, your living room looks like a reefers dream, fish stuff everywhere. i love it, no wonder you keep a bottle of vodka handy just to calm the nerves right ha ha. it will all come together soon and be looking great, even better than before, which was an awesome set up.
  15. michika's Avatar
    So Doc Frankenstein whats next? Tank room? Display? Stand?
  16. Lyfey's Avatar
    Wow! I thought you were married though. Lol I dont think you would be now if you were lol!

  17. melev's Avatar
    Everyone thinks I'm married. I guess since I don't talk about a love life on a regular basis, they must think I'm miserable like everyone else. hehe

    News for Wednesday: My stand is going to arrive.
    News for Friday: I'm going on a date. LOL

    All next week will be Florida Florida Florida. I'm going to soak up the sun, the sand, and some MACNA too.
  18. Hat39406's Avatar
    Is ya date a reefer? ;-)
  19. ryancmatchett's Avatar
    Hey Marc, I hope your date and the speaking were helpful and wonderful.
    I have to say, as a noob, these threads, the podcasts, this site....They are incredibly helpful, informative and encouraging. You know, one of the fears is the disaster. The unknown coming back to hurt you, your investment, and everything you have built. But you and all of this information is so helpful, to know that with enough knowledge, even a disaster like yours teaches someone like me. This hobby is worth it. It is worth the investment of time and money. Because it is more than a simple hobby, and we are building our tank to be a lasting piece of our family.
    Every fish, every coral, every rock, becomes more than just a piece of furniture. So, Thank You, for showing us that patience and calm and knowledge is worth every minute of time we get with our tanks and our livestock. Thank you for taking your time, thank you to your friends and your son....these threads give more information on what we can do to prepare, and be prepared to help our friends. Regardless of who a disaster happens too, our Reefing community is there for us, each person adds their own knowledge, and we get better and better at making our tanks last.
    Thank you and best of luck. Tagging along to watch and learn in Santa Barbara, CA....And wish we were closer so we could help more.
  20. Hat39406's Avatar
    I second all that! ;-)
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