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The sump is out

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It took three of us 5 hours yesterday to pull out the sump and get it set up in the livingroom. It's a horrendous science experiment now, eating up tons of space and looking truly insane. Amazingly, all was accomplished without a single run to Home Depot.

Full Tank Shot for August!




The manifold is feeding everything in the sump as before.

The angled tank is no more. The livestock was moved into the coral propagation section, and a protective eggcrate shield was installed around the two pumps intakes to keep the RBTA away from them.

The liverock is finally plumbed into the system. It hasn't been since July 4th. It is fed with the same plumbing that flowed to the angled tank, and drains back into the sump.

My son took over 200 pictures yesterday, but those will have to wait. I'm heading to the airport shortly, as I'm speaking in Pittsburgh this weekend.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    You are very welcome. You are definitely part of my target audience. I truly believe that everyone can learn from another's experiences, either to take in new ideas not considered before, or to reinforce that they already knew what to do and would never have let such-and-such happen. Rarely do you find a person that scoffs at such information, because eventually we all have to deal with the outcome of a worst-case scenario. We can dance with with Murphy for years and years, but one day he will get the upper hand. It's how we deal with it that determines if the animals live or die.

    Hat, she is not. I'm liking that about her, in that she's a breath of fresh air to keep me balanced. I'm obviously immersed in this hobby, but need more to be a well-rounded person.
  2. sedor's Avatar
    Wait, your obsessed with this hobby!?! Congrats on the date, don't forget...we like pictures LOL!
  3. melev's Avatar
    I'll see if I can scare up a picture for y'all. LOL
  4. NightShade's Avatar
    I don't know if I would let a picture of my lady out for the hounds. . . may want to think about that for a week or two and hope some people forget you ever said anything, LOL.

    BTW my wife agrees. . .
  5. agsansoo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Everyone thinks I'm married. I guess since I don't talk about a love life on a regular basis, they must think I'm miserable like everyone else. hehe
    Some of us that have been reading your threads for years know better. Especially after that astroglide usage on a skimmer post.

    PS- Have fun at MACNA.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Hey, you use what works. Whatever is handy (lol) is fair game.
  7. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Aahhh...the benefits of being single. I am so Fn jealous!
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