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Stage Two - Complete

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In Stage One, I discussed ordering the new tank:

Stage Two is ordering the stand. It took a while to get the welder over, but he and I discussed the entire plan and he's going to get back to me with a quote. I'm buying it for sure, I just hope I can afford it. The stand is welded powder coated steel, and I've asked him to incorporate a method to set up a temporary walkboard for the front or the back, as needed. He's planning to use 2" x 3" steel for the 7' runs to make sure the stand is solid. I'm stoked.

Stage Three is the fish room, and Henry came over to discuss wordworking today. However, it turned into a fishroom discussion and he and I came up with a new layout and idea that should work out great. I need to get out the graph paper once more, and once that is done I'll be sure to post it for y'all to see.

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  1. Snakebyt's Avatar
    cant wait to see what you come up with
  2. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Can't wait to see it. I'm sure its going to be impressive.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    The temp wallboard is a great idea! Good progress, going to be nice.
  4. michika's Avatar
    Not sure if it will be relevant for you, but I asked for the colour details about my stand. I want to keep it on hand in the event I have to do any repairs/repainting in the future, but I hope never have to use it.
  5. melev's Avatar
    That's a good idea. It getting powder coated, but I'll ask about touch up paint just in case. We didn't even discuss color, but odds are I'll go with boring black.
  6. Snakebyt's Avatar
    salt creep white might be a good color as well