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240 upgrade day 3

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Day 3

Got a little more done......

Got that ugly pole out of site. Up next is electrical, then green board on the inside. Then its on to sumps and plumbing.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    You got a lot done! Insulation? Plastic sheeting underneath perhaps? Did you install or are you going to install vent fans? How will you cool that room?
  2. Ownzordage's Avatar
    wow, are you moving fast
  3. Jessy's Avatar
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Man, you don't waste time. Awesome progress! ;-)
  5. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Thanks for the compliments everyone.

    I'm planning on using insulation and 6 mil plastic sheeting along with the green board that is used in bathrooms (moisture resistant) I've even tossed around painting everything, including the studs and backside of drywall, with Kiltz. There are two windows in that room, since two of the four panes of glass need replaced one is going to be a vent window. For cooling I was planning on just running a vent to the central A/C duct running through the ceiling.

    The opening above the tank where there isn't any drywall will be a door so I can get in and do maintenance if needed. The door is going to be at least 4 ft wide, maybe even the whole width of the tank I'm still debating.
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    You may want the front to open the width of the tank for easier access. Do the wood work like Marc did his. Pretty woodwork would look good in that placement of the tank. Is that going to be the "Man Cave". ;-p
  7. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Yes this is going to be the man cave, soon as the fish room is done the rest of the basement is getting some love and a new flat screen tv with surround sound.
  8. mayhem_audio's Avatar
    i made it lonie