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400W XM vs Radium

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I have changed 400W 10K to radium 14K. how it is looking.....????

400W XM 10K on the left side.

400W Radium 14K onthe left side.

Pineapple brain, monti, clams, Randiautus malu are looking much colorful....

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  1. melev's Avatar
    The 14,000K is more pleasing to the eye in a picture, but in reality what is your preference?
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    I like the 14k myself as well...that tank is awesome Syed! Very clean looking.
  3. Mits's Avatar
    I moved from XM 10k to a 14k in my tank and was very glad that I did. The coloration is much more to my liking and it also seems that the XM bulbs became algae factories before too terribly long. In fact I'm about to post a blog about my tank and you can see the difference as my frag tank still has the 10k right next to the display tank at 14k. It's much more yellow with the 10k.
  4. michika's Avatar
    The Radium bulb looks fantastic. To me it looks like it brings out more depth in your tank and provides the somewhat subtle pop that you just don't get with the XM 10k.
  5. MarcG's Avatar
    I have XM10K right now, and I'm going to be switching to Radium 20K.