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Starting over with my tank!

Just Hanging Out!

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I was walking down the stairs this morning to walk my wife out and I turned the tank lights on for her to see it before she left for work. (daily routine) She said look at this; I had to take a quick picture. I mounted some frags yesterday and my Emerald Crab thought he'd check it out! Sorry pic small, don't know why I can't make them bigger but it won't let me for some reason.

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Updated 07-30-2010 at 08:56 PM by Hat39406

Tank Entry , ‎ My tank!


  1. agsansoo's Avatar
    Looks like it. Though it's hard to see from that photo. Can you take a closer picture of it ?
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    I don't know why I can't make them big. I have it set to large. I took the pic with a iPhone. I'll have to check settings on it. My last post, same thing.
  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I always find my inverts, crabs, shrimp etc, to be more entertaining than my fish. I love sitting very still watching for my pistol shrimp to causiously exit his hole.
  4. melev's Avatar
    What I would do is upload the image from your iphone (email it to yourself). Then attach it. The iphone takes much larger pictures.
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    Yeah I love watching everything in the tank. My tank is doing so well, fish, corals and inverts are very healthy. My live rock is starting to really grow some thick purple coraline on it. I can see growth in most my corals.

    I do that Marc, I don't know why all of a sudden it's doing this. I'll have to check it out more.