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tunze being investigated

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thought id throw up a link I found surfing today for you tunze owners

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  1. TBDuval's Avatar
    You know, I don't think that Tunze did anything false information purpose. If we go further, I still think the flow study had some flaws. It may not have been comparing apples to apples. Now, I own both Tunze and EcoTech and both are awesome products. So they need to relax and let Tunze off the hook.
  2. dread240's Avatar
    It's just nothing more then greedy lawyers who have no god damn business whatsoever being involved in these types of matters but they see $$$ signs and will go for it regardless who they impact during the process.

    Hell I follow the tech industry pretty closely and every single day at least 3 new lawsuits are placed upon people for patent infringement because a button looks like another persons button and they want 10 bagillion dollars because of it. It's disgusting.
  3. melev's Avatar
    I'm annoyed to see this as well. I saw it posted on our club's site as well as Facebook, and replied both times. No-one was upset or litigious before this study was published. Their livestock was happy, their corals looked good, and their owners were content. If a lack of flow existed, they added pumps as necessary to fill that need.

    Had the pumps had more flow, odds are the owners would have cranked them down to avoid ripping the tissue off their corals, again opting to point additional power heads at less flow rates to get chaotic flow while allowing the corals to thrive.
  4. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Dread is right. My suspicion, when I first heard about it, was that some lawyer is also a reefer and when he got wind of it decided to "investigate"; i.e. lemme see if I can get some money out of them. Because, like Marc points out, nobody ever complained about lack of flow on their Tunze pumps.

    Doesn't support a very pro-America world view when crap like this happens.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Exactly my sentiments.