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vortech mp40

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I have a question about the wet assembly on my vortech. On one side or quarter of the wet assembly there is a section that does not have grills/it is solid. Which direction should this face or does it matter?

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  1. dread240's Avatar
    if up by the surface water, I would think that the solid side should go up to help prevent a vortex drawing air in through the impellar... I don't own one though and that's just my rational thought on it
  2. melev's Avatar
    Yes, up for surface to avoid a vortex, or down to prevent drawing in sand.
  3. KingNeptunesBounty's Avatar
    Melev is absolutely correct.
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    Cool thank you, I actually have it mid tank of 30". I have it facing up thinking that it will create more undertow and keep less stuff from settling on the bottom. One day when I can talk my wife into it, I will be getting a second one; as I can't quite make a wish wash throughout the tank. I do get a little bit of swirling, dust devil like movement at the sand but not enough for the sand to make it to the pump.