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The 29 is starting to fill up nicely

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It's been awhile since I've done an update post on the tank, and in that time I've gotten a lot of new goodies. Unfortunately I've been moving stuff around a lil too much in the tank, so I have a tiny diatom bloom atm on the substrate, and a bit of algae has popped up here and there, but overall it's actually staying quite clean. (Well the cleanest I've ever been able to keep a tank yet)

First, we'll toss up some of my new zoanthid and palythoa frags.

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Not sure exact names on most of these... they were just labeled 'orange with blue centers' and 'blueberry lovers' on these 2

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'Crazy Aussie Zoa's' are what these were deemed in the frag pack. This actually started with just 4 polyps so I think these are going to grow quite fast.

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Large pink Palythoa's. These as well have already sprouted 2 new polyps which are hiding underneath the 4 main ones that shipped.

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These were 'long lash eagle eyes' or something of the sort. All of the originals have the more solid coloration however the new polyp that has shot up has a really bright ring inside of it. Still maintains the long lashes all the way around it in a double stack, and coming from the same mat too.

I also got a few new softies in the tank too.

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Melev inspired toadstool. I had to have one after seeing the pictures of his. This is very new, only a few days old as I bought this while in myrtle beach from seacritters depot.

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Incredible Hulk Goni. This came in the big frag pack that I ordered. It's amazing how much extension this thing has, easily coming 2 inches off the base, yet when it closes up it looks like an LPS. There's also a green mushroom to the back left of it that I got from the local reef club.

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Couple left side shots of how I redid the rockwork recently. I was pretty annoyed at the basic stack of rocks... so took out one of the bases and moved it to the left to give me more room to place frags... and some higher light areas for some eventual sps. Right now you can see the GSP hidden off to the side (it's still on a seperate rock and may go back to the substrate again soon if it keeps growing as fast as it is) The Frogspawn is happy as usual, and some xenia is tucked into the corner there slightly shaded by the above rockwork. The Nepthya moved to the left side of the tank to make room for my LPS over by the archway, and a 'red monti cap frag' up against the glass I'm hoping will grow along as a back drop like it was doing in a club members tank. I also have a large piece of green monti cap on the right side glass which will hopefully work it's way up. I am a huge fan of people that sell 7 inch 'frags' for 3-4 bucks a piece lol

Now onto some of my new LPS I've gotten too.

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Another from the frag pack, and I'm really in love with this piece. It's seeming to like the higher light mid way in the tank, which seems odd for a chalice. I'm hoping it continues to grow at a steady pace over the next few months. It was labeled 'pink boobies' and is a really nice light blue with a pink mouth chalice. The tissue pulled back a bit from the one edge during fragging, but this piece is rather new as well too so it'll take some time.

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Red/Pink acan that also came in the frag pack. I've been target feeding it roughly every 2 days or so, and it's feeders are out constantly lol.

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This one doesn't seem to be liking the tank that much. I've never seen any feeders on it at all yet. It's a 'superman favia' but it hasn't been very super. I honestly don't know where the superman even came from considering this is definitely green/red so more like christmas if ya ask me.

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This favia on the other hand is lovin it's new home. Don't mind the algae bloom next to it though :-P

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This was another one I picked up from Myrtle Beach while I was on vacation. It's a 4" lobo that I can't 100% tell if it has bleached and is recovering or if that is it's normal coloration. It looks very very white however there are teal bandings running all throughout this thing all the way to the tips. It's a little hard to get pictures of since it's so bright and the color washes out on the camera, but it's about 50/50 white and bright teal to a bright lime green. To be safe if it's recovering I have tucked it slightly under the archway on the right side of the tank to shield it some, but it's very puffy atm which is a good sign. I also got a great deal on it too since it was nicked as you can obviously see in the photo. All the tissue around that area has healed up though, just going to take awhile to fill back in I guess.

All of these pictures were taken with my HTC Evo phone since I left the camera in my in-laws truck on vacation. I really wanted to get a good FTS but it just wouldn't come out right with the phone. I did take a video with it though which shows the new clowns I bought (which I think are what is throwing off the camera... there's so much contrast on them that they glow as they swim around). If you don't feel like watching the video, it's a pair of black/white oscellaris clown's. They're not hosting in anything as of this point though... really hoping they go to the frogspawn or the xenia at least . I'd rather not put an anemone in the tank and deal with it moving around with this many corals.

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Updated 07-12-2010 at 04:37 PM by dread240

Tags: 29g, lobo
Tank Entry , ‎ New Additions


  1. melev's Avatar
    It's looking good. I see a little caulerpa behind the acan - you should pluck it out before it gets out of hand, or maybe add a couple of emerald crabs and hope they take care of it.
  2. dread240's Avatar
    yea, I was thinkin 1 or 2 emeralds and 1 or 2 nassarius snails. I need something to clean up the sand bed a bit here and there, since none of my hermits or astreas touch it.

    what's your thoughts on that lobo being bleached or not?
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Nice frags Dread! I watched the video, ya tank is really looking nice. That PurpleUp stuff works good. I watched that other video about the messaage area on this site. Hahahahaa it does that to me too! And oh yeah, love the clowns!
  4. dread240's Avatar
    lol, yea I was trying to help marc track down an issue with some of the scripts. I was the only one to ever say anything about it, so glad I wasn't alone and crazy (though I'm in company with an iphone lover... I'm not so sure it's a good thing anyways)
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    Heh, yeah it still does it when you go to messages. Anyways, my wife said we can go to petco tomorrow and get the maroon luck they won't have anymore.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Our webmaster says that will be fixed with the software upgrade, and he's working on that as time allows over the next 60 days. Hopefully we can get that resolved once and for all.
  7. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Dread, what's the website you got the frag pack again?