The Tankless Reefer'ette - Blog 2
, 01-12-2010 at 03:35 PM (1456 Views)
So I was "this" close to getting an Aquapod 24 yesterday. A close friend of mine was breaking his down and put it up on the local boards for sale. He didn't name a price so that is probably why I wasn't turned off of the idea completely to begin with. Of course he said for me to name my price and of course I couldn't because I'm sitting here thinking ... "you could be an awesome friend and just give it to me ". In the end he offered to trade my very favorite ultra wide angle lens for the tank setup. But my lens cost me $550 and I don't really think the nano was worth all that much. Plus. I like photography almost more than I like reefing and I love that lens. Alas, I told him that I was going to pass and my search for the perfect tank continues.
I'm definitely thinking nano, with maybe just some zoas and rics for coral (ie no dosing required) and a ton of goby species.
-Helfriches firefish
-Rainsfordi gobies
-Trimma gobies
and all the other ones i can find.