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Unboxing my new Bubble Magus BMT-01 doser!

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I found a local shop which carries Bubble Magus products and managed to snag one of the new Bubble Magus 3 pump dosing units. I don't have experience with any of the Bubble Magus products, but the products look attractive enough. After a bit of reading I got the opinion that the company has been successful in providing reliable mid-range equipment at a lower cost point.

With my new tank up settling in after being transferred in early May, I began manually dosing DIY two-part. I love working on my tank, but I want to automate as much as I can so I don't get burnt out by the little things. For me, this meant a dosing pump was next on my wish list. I read some unfavourable reviews of the Aqua Medic SP3000 single dosing pumps but overall favorable reviews of their 2 - 4 pump systems. I only had one outlet available on my Reefkeeper Lite so multiple BRS pumps also weren't an option. I found the BMT-01 for the same price as the Aqua Medic 2 pump dosers. The extra pump was a nice bonus and will likely be used to dose Magnesium.

Overall, the package I received was well organized and attractive. Everything in bubble wrap and the box was in mint condition. It came with everything needed to hook up. Except for the acrylic mounting shelf and tube holder which wasn't included (but no big deal ). The unit itself is very compact and light. Despite the weight, the unit is very solid. The joints are tight and overall looks to be well engineered. Once I have a chance to set it up I will post more pictures and my experiences. There are few reviews online so I hope to add my two cents and document whatever problems I encounter.

I had to laugh at the poor Chinese-English translation on the packaging!!!

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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Very nice! If you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost? Does it have mutiple dosing capabilities? My wish list is huge! But, I'm slowly checking things off.
  2. melev's Avatar
    A new toy indeed. Congrats. I look forward to hearing all about your experience with it.
  3. austin93's Avatar
    I have strongly considered buying this. I look forward to some feedback.
  4. upster's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hat39406
    Very nice! If you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost? Does it have mutiple dosing capabilities? My wish list is huge! But, I'm slowly checking things off.
    I paid the CDN equivalent basically. Which is only a 20-30 dollar difference from the US market. The first US website I checked was $300. The LFS's where I live are mostly in-line with the US market.

    Without actually playing around with it yet, the interface is supposed to be very simple. You set the volume of the daily dosage (ie: 20-60ml) and the number of cycles during the day. The functions do not allow the pump to only dose during a specific "window." Apparently, you can attach multiple "dummy" units and control them using one main unit.

    I am going to do my best to mount the unit inside the stand with L brackets and velco.
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thanks for the info, can't wait for your feedback about it.
  6. evoracer's Avatar
    Looks nice, but you need to change your homepage...
  7. upster's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by evoracer
    Looks nice, but you need to change your homepage...
    Yeah no kidding! I was doing a bit of research at the time. The best thing about this site is that posts seem to get much more attention. Believe me, is at the front of my rotation.
  8. melev's Avatar
    Hopefully in time, you'll see the same type of response or better. The good thing I'm seeing now is that the people here want to be here and tend to know what they are talking about. I think that is better than having 1000 people that can't help.
  9. dread240's Avatar
    hey, Let not press your luck melev... you got me here which I'm a damn noobie at this stuff
  10. melev's Avatar
    Yeah, but there's only one of you.
  11. pepper'scove's Avatar
    Another complete noob here. My first fish tank ever is a 4+ month old biocube 14 setup for saltwater. I've learned a LOT from Melev (Marc) and based by decision to build a sump on his other site - melev's reef. This is by far and away the best saltwater forum I have found yet. It's way different in feel and flavor than all the rest and the visual nature of the site takes the cake! I've learned a lot because I can actually see everything in detailed posts. Thanks Melev!
  12. melev's Avatar
    I'm glad you are enjoying the site. Now that my own tank is finally up and running, I feel like I'm going to have the time to immerse myself back into this site and getting more articles, videos, podcasts --- everything has been put on hold as my frustration levels rose with my extended project eating up my time, money and living space.