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Lighting for Green BTA

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How many hours does a BTA need with 250 halides? Also, I have seen conflicting info on feeding. should they get large meaty foods or is a squirt of smaller foods good?

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  1. MarcG's Avatar
    I've always fed my anemones meaty food such as smaller pieces of krill. I guess it would depend on the size of the anemone, if you have a small one you may want to start with half of a krill. If you feed food with larger chunks in it (i.e. Rod's Food),usually a hosting clown will take it to the anemone. If you don't have a clown that hosts just grab it with some tongs and GENTLY put it in the anemone's tentacles and it should grab on to it. If the krill floats just squeeze it under water to get any air bubble out. It also helps to turn off the flow inside your display tank so it doesn't get blown out of the anemone's grasp.
    Updated 05-25-2010 at 08:39 PM by MarcG (grammar)
  2. BigAl07's Avatar