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Lighting for Green BTA

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How many hours does a BTA need with 250 halides? Also, I have seen conflicting info on feeding. should they get large meaty foods or is a squirt of smaller foods good?

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Lighting , ‎ Feeding


  1. BigAl07's Avatar
    I like to TRY and mimic Natural Habitats. Even though the "Reef" as a whole gets a lot of sunlight in a days time not EVERY part of the reef does. I like to keep MH's around 9-10 hour days.

    As for feeding they'll like slightly larger meaty foods. Remember in nature they'll be eating small fish, inverts etc that get to close and GOBBLED! Try to not get TOO big and feed a variety of things. Feed sparingly because LIGHT does them the most good
  2. melev's Avatar
    Years ago, I would feed my bubble tip anemones, but that is definitely in the past. I haven't target fed an anemone in at least six years. Every night when I feed my reef thawed frozen foods, the anemones are quick to inflate their mouths into a giant set of lips, ready to inhale whatever they can from what drifts close by.

    If you want to feed your anemone, I would suggest getting some fresh raw (uncooked) shrimp at the local deli. Ask for five of them and watch the butcher's reaction. hehe Bring them home, and put them in the freezer. Then when you are ready to feed your anemone, pull one out and cut it into five equal-sized pieces. Each one will be about the size of a lima bean. Feed that bit of food every three days. Those five shrimp will feed your anemone 25 times or for 75 days. Not expensive at all, right?

    If an anemone spits out a blog of food, it was overfed. It is definitely possible for an anemone to expel waste, but mine never do since they never get a solid meal from me. And look at how they grow without food. Do they need to be any bigger?

    Lighting is a totally different topic, but like Al pointed out, high noon isn't all day long. An anemone will get a blast for two or three hours, but the rest of the day was sunlight ramping up and ramping back down. That is why I run staggered lighting over my tank. Here's the article on that topic:
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Cool, I didn't think I needed to direct feed it as it did catch some of the tank feeding and I have two clowns that are hosting in it. I already have my lights set up like melev's, however, I only have 2x250 MH. I wonder if I can switch out the reflectors on my outer orbit fixture to better ones...I am going to have to check into that.