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Updated 05-24-2010 at 10:29 PM by melev

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  1. dread240's Avatar
    yea i was gonna say, the jr with a dc8 should be able to control practically everything you need correct?

    I was planning on the dc8 setup and eventually going to an under the tank sump so I could use a SCWD. Right now I have the 8 outlet coralife digital power strip and am using every socket on it :-\

    The plan is to basically get myself situated in a stable enough setup for sps corals in my current 29 before I upgrade... which I think when I do upgrade it'll probably be a 72 bowfront
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    How many I/O ports does it have?
  3. fchidsey's Avatar
    Nice Score I have to admit I thought it was a hoax.
  4. Jynxgirl's Avatar
    That is a really nice score for 35$!
  5. melev's Avatar
    The ports on the base of this unit are Power, Phone Jack, Serial Port, Temp, & pH. It lights up nicely for easy reading of the display.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by fchidsey
    Nice Score I have to admit I thought it was a hoax.
    Why, is it April Fools day where you live?
  7. fchidsey's Avatar
    No but a good prank can take place any time.
  8. dread240's Avatar
    I personally think for the lost sleep and mental anguish he put some of us through that he should purchase us all aquacontroller jr's and sell them to us for $35... who's with me on that?
  9. melev's Avatar
    How do I lock the comments now?
  10. dread240's Avatar
    You made your bed, now lay in it!
  11. BigAl07's Avatar
    I'd say SCORE!! I just sold one (with DC-8) for $150... well got $150 credit for it in a trade on a Profilux but dang for $35 .... are you sure it wasn't stolen? Did you get it from some guy on the streets selling it out from under a dark over-coat? Did he had ROLEX watches for $100 too?
  12. melev's Avatar
    I purchased it from one of the sponsors that advertises on Melev's Reef actually. That was nice, giving them a little business.

    While I was at my LFS (yes, my local fish store as in the one closest to me), I asked if he had a DC8 in stock and picked one up this evening. Now I need to get busy building my new quarantine tank in the near future, now that I have most of my toys amassed.
  13. melev's Avatar
    Cringing slightly, I thought I might as well see what it would have cost me to order the Aquacontroller Jr with DC-8 on Marine Depot. I'm happy to report I saved a lot of money after all. You know how you can save money purchasing online, so I was wondering what could have been. What I have now would have cost $229. Instead, I paid $137 total.

  14. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Marc, that's pretty sweet. Here's the controller I want to use on my next set up. I took a class on setting up and programming these little industrial controllers a couple years ago, and I'm really impressed with their versatility.
  15. melev's Avatar
    Whenever you do that Phil, I totally want to read all about it here.
  16. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Don't worry, you will.
  17. BigAl07's Avatar
    Wow! I knew you saved BIG on that unit! Like I said I sold mine (and it was 3 years old) for $150 with the DC-8. It's nice to be in the right place at the right time. I'm usually the guy who comes in right AFTER the lucky guy LOL!

    Phil that's pretty cool. I worked with some PLC's "back in the day" ... well I was around them and we had MT to actually work with/ON them. Once you get all the modules and get the hang of the logic you can do almost anything with a good PLC. That's basically what more controllers are except they are overly simplified. I LOVE My controller
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