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update on the 29 gallon and refugium

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First off, sorry for the poor pictures.. I really need one of those fancy cameras like marc has... I swear people with cameras like that and the know-how to use them can make anything look amazing.

So my switch over to a reef tank has had a few bumps... I've lost some corals (mainly acro's... which I've heard may be from chemical warfare thanks to the nephtya) but it's really starting to shape up. Water parameters have been rock solid for the past 4 weeks, and I'm even noticing new growth on some of them. I've added new equipment, and fabricated some of my own, so I'm quite pleased overall.

Full tank shot of right after the initial changeover.. with 1 of the new lights on the tank (current usa nova x2... 48w of t5 lighting)
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I was dealing with some quite annoying micro bubbles from the bak pak shortly after redoing everything. I was also experimenting with a cheap condylactus anemone to see if my lighting was sufficient and a partially dead green star polyp down on the substrate... Friend tried it in his tank and it wasn't doing so well (he tried to start a fresh tank and throw corals in it right away) so I took it off his hands. The condylactus started to decline so I ordered another light fixture to increase my lighting.

I then screwed up and went out and bought a few corals... a few of which I have lost since then, but the ones that survived and are running on the new equipment now are thriving. I had been battling phosphates and nitrates for awhile... so I decided to build a reverse photo period refugium to hang on the back of the tank. I wanted to make it as big as possible to increase my water capacity.... ended up with about 6 gallons of space... which on a small 29 gallon tank is a 20% increase in water volume! Not bad for a hang on the back overbuilt filter :-P

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I ended up building it so that only 1 line had to be ran to it for the feed. It's powered by a small mag drive.. plumbed inside, and then I made a cascade on the other side of it so that the water pours back into the tank. The added water disruption aids in gas exchange, and provides a very very nice power head like down draft down the middle of the tank. The clown fish absolutely loves to swim up to the top of it, and then shoot down towards the live rock. Least I'm pretty sure he's having fun playing in it, or he's that stupid to do it again and again and again. The refugium got stocked with about 5 inches of live sand, some live rock rubble I collected from the main display tank (I broke up the rock a bit more which you'll see in later pictures for better distribution... small chunks went into the fuge afterwards) and put some chaetomorph algae in there. It has a small $5 home depot clamp light on it with an energy efficient daylight bulb in it. I do eventually want to put a 20" strip light on it though to make it look cleaner across the back of the aquarium (everything is exposed.. so I'm not really happy seeing the clamp light there). I also painted the back of it and the right side black to prevent light transfer to the main tank, though in retrospect and if anybody else decides to take on a project like this... paint the bottom of it too. The sand for the most part blocks the light coming directly out... but acrylic will also bounce the light around inside of it, so light beams out the bottom of this at night around the edges.

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Marc, I hope you approve of the acrylic work! It was my first time ever working with plastics... I'm generally stainless steel and aluminum using a tig welder to stick things together.

I'm leaving the tank as is for awhile now, to see how it matures without adding anything new for at least a month or two. I did recently have to start dosing vitamin c as my one zoanthid colony isn't looking so good. It started getting this brown coating on them and are not opening up fully. They're mid level in the tank with 96w of t5 ho lighting on them so I don't believe it's a light issue unfortunately. Here's some pics of the inhabitants though!

3 FOR 1 DEAL! My True Percula clownfish, lawnmower blenny, and frogspawn all in one pic! The 2nd picture was that same frogspawn right after I got it... I'd say it's about 25% bigger these days then it was.... and I'm not 100% sure but it kind of looks like it's growing 2 new heads as well too from down on the stalk (kinda poking out the side a bit)

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Pulsating Xenia... $10 from LFS
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Green Nepthya... I really like this coral and from what I've read this seems to be extinct in the wild. This was one of the frags I purchased from the local reefer. I'm trying to coax it into growing a bit straighter, but I've decided to leave it as is down on the substrate now. Only one side of this is green, and it twists and turns to make sure that side is facing the lights... has been this way since I got it, though it has gotten bigger with a few new stalks (first pic is the one with the bubbles on algae behind it and was recently after acquiring it, newest is on substrate) Oh and check out the really awesome red coralline on it... anybody have any ideas on how I can try and spread this around my tank a bit more?

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Green star Polyp mat. I got this from a friend who bought it from Petco lol... It wasn't doing so hot in his tank... and while the center portion of it still seems kind of dead... I'm getting new growth all around the edges and it's expanding. I also have some of the very interesting green calcerous algae... I read a spot melev did on this awhile back.. Mine is growing a new stalk or two every week... so I've decided to move corals from that area and see if I can get this to expand... It's very vibrant and quite beautiful to look at.

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This is by far one of my favorites... and I can see me purchasing quite a few polyps of these. Ricordia Florida. I unfortunately wiped out a specimen moving some stuff around in the tank shortly after changing over... and got a new one. This one seems to be doing great, is not scrunching up and has went from 1 mouth to 4 mouths since it went in the tank!. I'm hoping it splits soon and takes over that little corner of the rock. You can also see my unhappy zoanthids in this pic too, and the tiny bit of leftover hair algea in the tank that the hermits haven't gotten to yet.

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So overall I'm happy, and I think within a year or two this is going to be a beautiful tank. I've always wanted a reef tank but thought a 29 gallon would be entirely too small... but then after stumbling across some others on the net it changed my mind.

Next up for purchase though is a really good RO/DI unit. I had been using chemically treated water and one of the API tap water filters and am just not happy with using that. Since I'm not buying any livestock this month or next I should be able to scrape it together for that, and finish putting together an auto top off unit. I've slacked a few days and not topped it up manually with being swamped at work and the such.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and I'll leave you guys with some very ambitious full tank shots! You can see how the rock work has been redone to open up the front of the tank a bit more compared to the original pics earlier on. Hope you enjoyed!

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Updated 05-17-2010 at 03:58 PM by dread240

Tags: diy, refugium
New Additions , ‎ Tank - Full Summary , ‎ DIY projects


  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Looking very nice Dread, I bet ya glad the algae went away. Do you have anymore photos of the rear sump you built? I might build one like that till I can build a under cabinet one.
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    Cool man, looks like It is coming along...I'm still waiting for mine too cycle.

    PS get a cannon rebel xti with macro lens or the like, they take beautiful pictures and are reasonable priced.
  3. dread240's Avatar
    Yea, there's still a bit of algae here and there, but it's definitely on the decline. The fuge and the lawnmower blenny have really really kicked it in the butt in the display tank.

    I wish I had more photos of the build up on that refugium, but sadly I didn't take any. It's actually very basic... and I kind of wish I did things a bit differently. I'm going to be building a small hanging basket which will fit inside of it for any filter media I want to run, but I wish I would have made a chamber for it. I also had to add a bit more plumbing inside of it to keep the sand from blowing all over the place and to keep the chaeto tumbling... all in all though I think it was very succesful for my first acrylic project.

    As for the camera, it has to wait a bit. There's not enough going on in it yet to really warrant a bunch of photography on it anyways. I still have to purchase other things for this tank lol.
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    Ah, I was just thinking that you could practice your photography while the tank is so so. then once the tank is spectacular then you photography will be up to snuff. But the livelihood of the inhabitants in the tank do take priority of money over new toys. Maybe for your Next DIY project you will do a 29g tank with built in hang on the back fuge. You could even go rimless, that would be tight huh?
  5. dread240's Avatar
    you and your blood elf should stop putting ideas in my head!

    I do really like the idea of that though... an all acrylic setup with incorporated fuge and return and all. It's your job explaining it to my wife though why I had to buy all that acrylic :-P

    (I just looked at the stand too... it can actually be 2 inches deeper too lol)
  6. melev's Avatar
    I like what you've got so far. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us.

    Xenia like iodine, so be sure to add ONE DROP once a week. Not two, unless you want to make your clownfish gasp in dismay.

    Star Polyps will also do well. It's good that you put it on a rock to be an island all its own. Once it starts covering all your live rock, you''ll lose real estate and be upset about it. Try to keep it contained.

    If you've not done so yet, take a good hard look at your refugium to make sure it can handle that weight. I've always been concerned that it could break away and cause a mess, so if you think it needs support from below, do it.
  7. dread240's Avatar
    I've actually been testing iodine once a week.. and haven't had to supplement it yet. I've been staying right about .7ppm on the red sea test kit. I have a bottle sitting here, I've just read that too much of it can cause some serious dismay in the tank.

    I also got the pre-warning on the star polyps too, and seeing how fast they're taking off already, I imagine within a month or two I'm going to be very happy they are on their own rock.

    You also can't see it in the pictures, but the fuge is braced from underneath. It sits on a 1/2 thick dense foam (the really springy black stuff), but with cables and all that stuff I was unable to bring it all the way to the end. It sits in roughly 2-3 inches from the edge of it, but I'll probably redo it anyways to make sure the weight distribution is even on it.

    I also forgot to mention him... but my royal gramma I got from petco who had the worst acclimation period of any fish I've ever seen is doing great too... but he's kind of shy so you can only see him in the full tank shot :-P
  8. Midnight's Avatar
    Why does if have to be a blood elf thing. No,in all seriousness things are looking great. I too am suffering from the allowance from wife dilemma. That and work has been extremely busy with that new home buyers tax credit.
  9. dread240's Avatar
    because I'm alliance! (I have no life, 2 kingslayers ugh lol)

    and you being busy at work sounds like it should free up money for the tank.. if you're commision based.. if not you're just getting pounded for nothing lol

    I actually started thinking about that acrylic project... how awesome would it be to let the tank be the overflow... runs down the acrylic into a sump... like literally pours over the side, down into a I guess kinda bezel below it, then plumbs underneath.. only thing is there would have to be returns into the main tank, but I think I could make those out of acrylic too and plumb the pumps underneath so they couldn't be seen. Not only would it be rimless, but the water would literally always be flush with the top trickling over....

    Somebody send me a bunch of money so I can make that, kthnxbye :-P
  10. dread240's Avatar
    so I was playing around with my old camera today... Olympus d-560... and it has macro options!.. The pictures definitely aren't d90 quality or anything, but they're actually pretty nice... some really good closeups of the polyps and all... I think I need to touch them up a bit in photoshop, but they're very nice for what I have now lol
    Updated 05-18-2010 at 11:10 PM by dread240