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Starting over with my tank!

Whats are these 2 corals?

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I don't know what kind of coral these two are...any ideas?

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Name:	4.jpg
Views:	178
Size:	45.6 KB
ID:	1695

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Name:	8.jpg
Views:	165
Size:	42.6 KB
ID:	1696

Thanks in advance!!

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Updated 05-13-2010 at 01:21 PM by melev

Tank Entry


  1. melev's Avatar
    They are definitely in the Acropora species, but other than that, it is way too soon to tell. The bottom one may lean toward blue in coloration.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thanks Melev, I thought sobut wasn't positive. Do they like high or low waterflow and should I mount them high? Thanks, HAT
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Melev, does birdsnest like high or low waterflow?
  4. melev's Avatar
    Starting them out on the substrate is always best. After a couple of weeks, you can move it up a few inches. A few weeks later move it up again. Acropora and Birdsnest like flow.
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thanks Melev for the infomation, I will do that!