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If I have a FRAG tank that is 48x48 ( LxW ) and put a combo MH/T5 light fixture over the center will the lighting be ok for LPS and SPS? That way I can kill 2 birds with one stone. I know I would be better off with a MH rig on half and T5 on the other half but looking to save a few pennies.



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Updated 05-13-2010 at 01:20 PM by melev



  1. yiyi67's Avatar
    48" deep would be a lot to cover for a single fixture. Without knowing what fixture you had in mind I would say that you could probably get away with it by putting any SPS directly under the light and putting any LPS or less light intensive frags further towards the outsides, but I would imagine that the outside edge of the tank may not be too usable as most light fixures can only cover 2' to 3' max of spread.
  2. melev's Avatar
    The shallowness of a frag tank is something you must consider as well, so you don't burn your frags. The lighting you have should probably be set up in an adjustable frame to raise it up or lower it closer to find what works best for your corals.
  3. cfsindorf's Avatar
    That's right I remember you said something about yo-yos. Hummmm that way when I wanted to mess in the system I could raise the lighting. Then during the rest of the time lower it for prime usage of the light.
  4. yiyi67's Avatar
    One other idea would to be to put it on a track with a motor that moves it back and forth over the tank. One of my LFS's has a 6' frag tank setup like this and it's pretty awesome. I'm not sure the best way to do it, but I'm sure if you thought about it hard enough you could get pretty creative with it.
  5. cfsindorf's Avatar
    I would love to see pics or get info on motorized idea. Could be used for other ideas.

  6. melev's Avatar