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Vodka vs. VSV Dosing

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Lately I noticed I have been having a Nitrate and Phosphate issue in my tank, so I started looking into dosing Vodka to try and help out with this problem. In doing more research I came across an article called VSV dosing which stands for Vodka Sugar Vinegar. The purpose behind this method over just vodka dosing is to create a more diverse bacterial growth vs a Mono based growth with just Vodka. I have read up on both and they both have the pluses and minuses. I think that there was someone on this site who doses with Vodka so maybe he cam chime in on what he thinks of the Vodka vs VSV method.

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NEED HELP STAT! , ‎ Water Chemistry , ‎ DIY projects


  1. melev's Avatar
    I never did any serious research into the VSV after I had a working game plan with Vodka only. I read good things about the combination, and both systems work. If you feel you've a good understanding of how to do either of them, proceed.
  2. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    Yeah I feel I have a failry decent understanding of the pricipal and design on how they work. Still not sure if I am going to to try either one yet. Currently my Nitrate is around 25ppm and my Phosphate is around .3 I have around 120-130 gal of total water volume in my system and I have been doing 40 gal water changes every other day for the past week to bring them both down. NO3 started at 50ppm and PO4 started at 1.0 I know both systems take time to bring the NO3 and PO4 readings down so I am trying to bring them down through water changes first and then figure out a way to help keep them down.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Water changes are the most effective way, and do so quickly.
  4. fchidsey's Avatar
    I have not looked into VSV and had not heard of it until here. I began vodka dosing my self then my tank.. Just kidding... I like beer... as far as my tank goes I began vodka dosing three weeks ago and it has been a slow process with out great results yet beside very clear water. I have not begun to see a decrease in my nitrate which is at 10 ppm. the system is about 180 of "real water" and I am currently dosing 1.8ml daily