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Gone Fishin'

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Gone Fishin'

Well, after about a week of having some new Tierra Anthias fish in my tank, the male anthias has turned out to be a bully. He chases my other fish, almost all of them, away from 'his side' of the tank. This include the female anthias, blue/green chromis, leopard wrasse, and others. He killed one of the female tierras due to harassment, and also a new Evansi anthias that I added to test out mixing the two. I decided this joker was going to have to be removed. I did not feel like setting up a fish trap, trying to net him, etc, etc. So, I decided to go fishing.

My fishing tackle for this expedition, 4# test Stren line, and #12 bait hooks.

The small hook:

Line tied on:

Line tied to stick:

Baited hook with piece of mysis shrimp:

I dropped the hook down in the tank and he came up to it and circled around it for a few minutes, he was very curious and nipped at it a couple of times, but not actually taking any of the bait. Finally after a few more minutes, his appetite got the best of him and he took a bite. When I saw him grab it, I simply lifted him out of the water, dangling on the end of the line. He was barely hooked in the side of his mouth and I gently took it out and placed him in my small refugium for the time being.

Mission Accomplished!!

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  1. melev's Avatar
    What a simple choice that worked like a champ. The only thing you didn't do right was that you should have used a bamboo pole. LOL Very pretty fish. I wonder if you leave him in time out for a week, then reintroduce him, he might behave better?
  2. Ryan's Avatar
    Nice job! That's a good looking catch.
  3. FISH PROS's Avatar
    handsome fish