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It's fish tank day!!!!

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Our tank is set, the stand has been completed, plumbing finalized, and WATER is going INTO the tank!!!! And coming right back out, of course, lol. Leak in two fittings on the closed loop, Jon's working on redoing them now.

Before I go to bed tonight I'm going to have fish moved into their new home. I still have to go back in next weekend and finalize rockwork, but I don't care. My fish will finally be back in a proper sized tank, which is long overdue. When I went downstairs to do my daily check, I found one of my flame angels dead this morning. Other than the diamond sleeper that jumped, that's my first loss from this whole debacle. Sad, but I suppose it could have been WAY worse.....

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  1. melev's Avatar
    I'm sorry to hear about your Flame Angel. Those are so hard to keep in the first place, and to lose one that survived the first 8 weeks is more than frustrating.

    Looking forward to some pictures of the setup full of happy fish.
  2. kileysmama's Avatar
    Sigh. I've had this pair for 6 months, if not longer. Now back down to one.

    And unfortunately, we ran into more leaks so the tank is draining again. Bleah. So much for fish tonight.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Where were the leaks?
  4. kileysmama's Avatar
    PVC joints the first time. Bulkheads on the closed loop the second time. It's okay. I can be patient at this point. (like I haven't been already, lol) I'd rather delay for a few days than have the system up & running and THEN discovering small leaks, know what I mean?