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The 5.5 Gallon Nano tank

New Zoanthid frag

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Went to the LFS today to find some Cyclopeez and instead came home with a new frag. They get me everytime! Anyway this was looking to good to pass up and was aquacultured, well at least that's how it was labeled.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Very pretty piece. I love zoas.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    That is a sweet looking zoa. I want to get me some pretty colored ones. LOL, everytime I go to the LFS for anything, could be water, I come out with a lot more!
  3. Douwant2play's Avatar
    Thanks Melev! Zoas/Palys are my vice. @Hat, I completely understand how that goes!
  4. cdmorrison01's Avatar
    Agreed, zoas are always an eye pleaser.
  5. 2frosty4u's Avatar
    Very nice frag you picked up there.