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The 5.5 Gallon Nano tank

Tiger Goby

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Gobiosoma macrodon - Tiger Goby
Max size - 2in
Origin - Caribbean
Difficulty - easy
Diet - Omnivore
Reef Safe - Yes
Invert safe - Yes

I recently purchased one of these fish after seeing it at an LFS in San Antonio. It is a clear fish with brown/black striping. I've never seen or heard of these gobies until the day I bought it (yes impulse buy), but it was in a tank with other small gobies and I couldn't pass this cool looking guy by. I have had it in the tank since last night and I must say it is a pretty funny fish to watch. He will scoot from one side of the tank to another and pop his head out of the rocks (visualize Kramer) and then peck at the sand and bolt to the other side. he seems to be a very inquisitive fish as I don't think he has left one inch of the tank unsearched. His stance and picking through the sand remind me a lot of the Yellow Watchman goby. He also has not been harrassing the green band goby that is in the tank with him, I have caught them hanging out together on the rocks a few times today. I think this goby is extremely interesting and from what I have searched about these gobies everywhere that I have seen them sold are posted as tank raised. I would definately recomend this fish to anyone with a smaller tank. It has just been a fun fish to watch and I have only had him a day!

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Updated 04-30-2010 at 05:11 PM by Douwant2play (added pics)

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  1. CaelCynndarr's Avatar
    these are definitely cool fish. I;ve always eyed them at the LFS but my other fish demolish anything i put in there.... especially small fish.
    Thanks for the information!!!
  2. Douwant2play's Avatar
    pics added for anyone that was interested in seeing this little guy.