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Sea Salt Poll

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I am getting close to adding the salt to my new tank. I have always used Kent Salt in my FOWLR tank. What does everyone recommend? And why? I am curious also how price factors in to quality and contents.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    I've used Kent Sea Salt for years with my reef tanks. It costs more than Instant Ocean, but I felt it dissolved better so that is why I went with it. For the past two - three years, I've been using Red Sea Pro Reef salt. Being in the middle of the U.S. salt costs more than it does for those on the coasts. Buying a bucket locally can be around $65 or more, so I watch for specials at my LFS. If I can get buckets for $35 to $42, I'll buy a few at a time.
  2. kileysmama's Avatar
    I've used Instant Ocean from the start in my tanks. I've never had any problems like some others seem to have. It's also what we use at the store. I figure if it's not broke, why fix it?
  3. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    I used to use IO for a couple of years, but recently switch to Aquavitro Salinity salt. So far my corals seem to like it.
  4. Douwant2play's Avatar
    When I had my 110 set up I used to use Oceanic. Lots of people complain about the calcium levels being too high, but I didn't seem to have any problems. That was around 2006 or 2007 and If I remember correctly a bucket was about $60.
  5. washingtond's Avatar
    At one time or another I have used all most all the salts mentioned above but now using Reef Crystals for the past several years. I purchase large quantities whenever it is on sale either at LFS’s or online.
  6. Jkohuts's Avatar
    i like the seachem reef salt, have never had a problem with dosing trace elements. it also disolves quickly in ro di thats at temp
  7. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I use Instant Ocean, it used to have a problem with low Magnesium, but the last couple buckets I've bought they seem to have reformulated and corrected that issue. I let mine disolve overnight in a Brute can with a power head and heater. So I don't see any reason to switch.
  8. evoracer's Avatar
    Salinity by Aquavitro (see my review on these boards). Like it alot, dissolves almost instantly, with very consistent numbers.