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New Refugium Bulb

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So I bought my tank another Christmas gift yesterday. Went to Home Depot and bought a new fuge light for my new bag of cheato. I am taking down the Algae Turf Scrubber because I don't like cleaning it, its a slight bit loud and it creates a small amount of salt spray. Also in my particular case I am not seeing as many fuge buddy's as I did the last time I used cheato. I will say that for me the ATS worked but you must be on top it in terms of it's maintenance. As for the bulb, it's a EcoSmart Par38 or Par40 bulb, 120 watts using only 23 watts and it's supposed to be 5000K. EcoSmart labels it Daylight with the blue packaging. For those of you unfamiliar with these CF bulbs, EcoSmart has three color variants, Soft White that is in green packaging @ 2700K, Bright White in red @ 6700K I believe and the Daylight in blue @ 5000K. I tried to find a bulb similar to what Melev reviewed in his site, TCP Par38 75 watts using 16 watts @ 5100K. I will try to get before and after pics later tonight and try to keep you Addicts up to date on how the cheato is responding.

The only problem with the bulb is that EcoSmart didn't put any warning on the packaging stating that your pods and fuge shrimp may require SPF 30 during the operation of this bulb.

Later today I hope to get my other tank x-mas gift, my new Rio HyperFlow 12 return pump. Hooray for less wattage use....if the pump doesn't blow up after I plug it in.

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Updated 01-07-2010 at 12:31 PM by VulcanRider



  1. melev's Avatar
    The only problem with the bulb is that EcoSmart didn't put any warning on the packaging stating that your pods and fuge shrimp may require SPF 30 during the operation of this bulb.