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GFO via Phosban 150 - Noob - Help!

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I've been using GFO in a phosban reactor since February, and love it. My light sps stock has colored up beautifully, and coral growth exploded on all fronts.

I have a question... My phosban reactor's sponges fill up with crap after about 3 weeks. How can I curtail this? is there any kind of in-line pre-filter I can stick on to it to catch the crap, so I don't have to disasseble the reactor every time? I'm running a Phosban 150 with a Rio 800 driving it.

On that note, how often should I replace GFO? I'm sure this is a subjective answer, just give me an idea. 55G tank, 45G system volume (sumpless).

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  1. melev's Avatar
    I don't have a solution for you on the accumulating stuff on the sponge, other than to place the feed pump in a generally clean area of the sump. Some of that stuff is growth though, bacterial in nature I'd surmise.

    GFO needs to be replaced when the output no longer measures / reads 0 with your test kit. That being said, you can slow down the rate so the contact time is longer and it may start producing zero phosphate in the effluent (the water coming out of the reactor).

    Some people run it for a few months and replace it. Testing to see how it is working is the only certain way to know and stop guessing.
  2. Ryan's Avatar
    I had a similar problem to yours, but mine was clogging with bits of hair algae. Do you have any hair algae at all? After my hair algae cleared up the sponges have stayed relatively clear, except for the aforementioned growth.