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Good Advice .. Moving Forward

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Reading the comments, Marc yay! A.D.D. is definitely a requirement, as well as getting into a groove. I made alot of noob mistakes. I saw some beautiful tanks, and during research got hung up on alot of little nuances, and didn't start with a good foundation. I think I'm average when I say I got hung up on all the fancy devices, different techniques, DIY stuff... but totally ignored some of the basics.

For example, got hung up on dosing this or that, and even looked at the vodka dosing at one time... without building a foundation in basic water testing and chemistry.

So now I need to identify some beginning steps to put my tank on the right path. Water Quality and Lighting.

Water quality, well my dog Cody (poor soul passed three months ago) apparently chewed up my test kits.. Feel like I missed homework assignment and this is an excuse. So I need to invest in some quality basic test kits, as well as do a water change. Have enough salt left for maybe 10 gallons. So I need more salt.

Lighting, my T5H0 bulbs are due for a change. I replaced two of the 8 (Aquablue+), that still leaves 6 bulbs that are 13 months old. 2 Actinic, 2 Fiji Purple, 2 10k.

Last night I took the time to make sure nothing else was missing (ie another SPS frag hidden in the rockwork), everything is accounted for.

Since the LFS is about a 40 min drive from home, So may not get there until Saturday.

Shopping List:
Calc/Alk Test Kits (still have PH/Nitrate)
Two Bulbs (6 is a little pricey, gonna space it out)
Replacement filters for RO/DI.. haven't replaced in a year, and out of resin.

Meantime, pull the Return, Skimmer pumps and MP40 to clean thoroughly. Start making some water for water change.

Oh yea.. and get a "Before" picture up tonight

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  1. VulcanRider's Avatar
    I agree, I got caught up on all the fancy shiny things and it took my FW planted tank to really make me rethink my approach to the reef tank. Slow, steady, balance and basics. It's like moving through the rhythms of Tai Chi.
  2. doomicon's Avatar
    Exactly! Back to the basics. "Slow, steady, balance and basics" couldn't have said it better.
  3. VulcanRider's Avatar
    Shall we call it BS and more BS ?
  4. melev's Avatar
    You guys are on the right track.