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Water Changes

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For those that have sumps and big tanks what do you do when you do water changes? I know take water out and replace with same amount.

Do you shut stuff off at tank and take it all from sump or......



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  1. melev's Avatar
    Hey Craig, I got your text today, but this is an easier way to give you a link to my article:

    How to change water correctly
  2. cfsindorf's Avatar
    Got it thanks Marc

    Keep the sump large enough to handle the water change.

  3. BigAl07's Avatar
    I have a 90g Mixed Reef, 29g Sump, 18g Fuge.

    To do water changes I first make sure the tank is fully TOPPED OFF (ATO so it should be but check) and then I turn the Return Pump (Mag-18) off and allow the system to "Drain Down". This takes about 5 - 10 minutes. During this time the power-heads in the tank (koralia-4, 2x) keep running as does the small "fountain pump" in the fuge.

    Once Drain-Down is finished I drop a Mag-9 which is attached to a Garden Hose into the sump and drain each section (3x) completely. When it's drained I wipe the inside and clean up any "crud". Once everything is cleaned I put the Mag-9 into my Water Change Barrel and re-fill the sump to the original FULL level.

    This empty-fill process takes about 10 - 15 minutes.