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How does my parameters look?

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Mag: 1200
dkh: 9.6
Ca: 460
Ph: 8.12
Temp: 79.0
Salinity: 1.025
Nitrate: 10
Phospate: 0.04

I also dose the following: Calcium 40 ml; Alk 80 ml & Mag 80 ml every day.

I am in the process of setting up a ULNS system with the use of brightwell products. I am running into third week now.

Are the parameters in expected range? If anything that need to be improved what should that be?

Thanks for your help all.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Magnesium is a bit low. I would recommend 1350ppm. It takes a lot of magnesium to bring that parameter up.
    Everything else looks good.

    Be sure to categorize your blog entries before you hit submit.
  2. Arvind's Avatar
    Thanks Marc. It helps. I also updated the category :-)
  3. melev's Avatar
    Perfect. Over time, those categories are going to be pretty important as people start looking for specific entries on related topics. Plus you can go through your own blogs more easily when you want to check something you posted in the past.
  4. flu71's Avatar

    What did you use to take the reading?

  5. Arvind's Avatar

    Ammonia - API
    Alk - Salifert
    Nitrate - Salifert
    Magnesium - Red Sea
    Phosphate - Hanna Photometer
    Calcium - Nutrafin