A rookie for ever!!!
, 04-17-2010 at 08:58 AM (2015 Views)
I have been doing this for 4 years and as a know it all paid the price many times. To the newbie on this hobbie/job/life/investment/bankaccount i say to you...Dont be cheap or you will pay more later. Be patient or you will go crazy and be patient on a later time, Listen to others but dont listen too much because you will always have bad info out there. To start learn the basics on how to set up a tank meaning water quality,sump, skimmer,overflows,lighting, from there you will find a set up that its right for you, but what I learn about this is that you never know it all you are always constaly learning. So sit tight and enjoy the ride of reef building for you are a rookie for life amen.