When will LED take over?
, 01-06-2010 at 09:43 PM (1097 Views)
So I work in the home theater industry, and LED TVs are the hot new trend in HDTVs. Just like in anything else, they are energy effecient, cool, and so small that they have somewhat revolutionized TV. I am seeing this everywhere, from flashlights to home lights to streetlights. They don't seem like they cost very much to assemble, yet they are way out of my price range for the tank. The LED TVs have dramatically dropped in price over their first year, like many other technologies do. I can't wait until the day I can have a large display with fully customizable effects and color temps from banks of LED light. My current 2x250w metal halide lights double as a space heater for my living room. So the point of this post is to get opinions from everyone about their effect on our favorite hobby. How long until everyone has LED on all of their tanks and MH, T5, and VHO are distant memories?