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West-bound at last.

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I'm sitting on the plane, about to fly to southern California for the weekend. Ed, Jessy and I will meet up later today to set up the Reef Addicts booth for the MAX event. The weather should be pretty nice, in the mid 60s... Watch for updates as things unfold.

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  1. Jessy's Avatar
    YAy! I get to see you! My car is packed up and I've running on 3 hrs of sleep
  2. Snakebyt's Avatar
    cant wait to see updates, we expect lots and lots of pics
  3. Konadog's Avatar
    OK Marc, I had to help Jessy set up your both without you! Stuck in traffic, come on now, we don't have traffic in LA.

    I had to go to dinner with the guys from DA, hope to see you Sunday. I'm not sure I'll be there Saturday yet, but maybe in the afternoon.
  4. melev's Avatar
    We got the booth set up, as you can see above in the comments by Ken. When Ed and I arrived, it was mostly done already, but we had a few more components to add.

    We did some drinking, a little recording tonight, and now it's time to sleep a bit to get ready for Saturday!
  5. Konadog's Avatar
    Sleep, do that on the plane back............................ time for more drinking!