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Aquarius Marinus

Wanted to finally say Hello!

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I've been a member here since January but haven't been around much yet. (Senior semester of engineering is kicking my BUTT!)
My name is Aaron, I'm 23 and have been keeping a reef aquarium for about a year, and fresh water aquariums for much longer. Like many, I was inspired by Marc's site a few years ago, and finally got around to setting up a tank last year.
This summer I will be relocating to Cleveland, OH (at least for a while...) and am going to set up a 180 gallon tank. Right now I am trying to get my equipment list figured out, so everyone should be seeing lots more of me soon :-)
I really look forward to talking to everyone and helping anywhere I can!

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Hi Aaron. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your current tanks and the upcoming tank once you move. There's a club in Cleveland too.
  2. Aquarius Marinus's Avatar
    Thanks for the link.
    A club will be great! Heck having a couple real LFS will be nice. I've never lived near a real city. In a one and a half hour radius we have one real LFS and one "pet shop" that has some salt water fish and softies.
  3. melev's Avatar
    There are some really nice places in Ohio if you don't mind some road trips. I've been to three or four locations from Cleveland to Cincinnati, and Columbus too. Plus Savko is there, where you get some nice plumbing parts.
  4. Aquarius Marinus's Avatar
    Well hey let me know if you are ever near Cleveland again! (at least after this June when I move) You are more than welcome to stop by and see the tank (and consume beverages)
  5. melev's Avatar
    Thanks! That sounds great. I've got a few trips ahead of me over the next few months, but I don't think yours is on the list.