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skimmer overflow solution

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My external skimmer has overflowed a few times over the 3 years since my tank has been set up. Even if I keep the cup drain open and let it go into a 5 gal pail it it will occasionally surprise me with a full pail and a wet floor in my basement sump room. I ordered this fine looking solution to my problem.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    That should work.
  2. brotherd's Avatar
    Kinda reminds me of your set up a bit yes?
  3. melev's Avatar
    Sure does. It's a great way to keep the sump area tidy too.
  4. brotherd's Avatar
    Had my first experience with the super locker on Thursday. Worked like a charm. Shut my skimmer down while I was at work. Once I got' home I emptied the 5 gal pail, cleaned the skimmer cup and reset the unit. Couldn't be more pleased and I would highly recommend this for anyone who is running an external skimmer and/or a large tank.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Nice!!! Glad it works as planned. I'm going to drill my Nyos collection cup on the frag system to create a similar method. I already have one on the big reef, but the little tank needs it too.