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Mojano infestation problem

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I have a major infestation of mojanos and am looking to find a fish that will eat these things. Anyone have any recommendations? If I can't resolve this with fish I will be forced to tear my tank apart and start over which I really don't want to do. Ain't nobody got time for that! Any feedback is much appreciated.
Thanks, Greg

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  1. melev's Avatar
    A racoon butterfly will devour them, but usually it is best to put that fish with that rock in a separate tank and let it eat them away.

    In tank, you can use Aiptasia-X by RedSea and/or a 2mw laser to zap them. That's what I do.
  2. Oldude's Avatar
    Thanks Marc. I have a pair of Racoons on order but the infestation is too widespread to put into a QT.
  3. melev's Avatar
    The problem with the main tank is that they may eat other things instead of focusing on the majanos only.