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Need help identifing this type of algae and how to resolve please

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I have this algae that I have been trying to fight for a few months. I have tried to do the lights out for 3 days and all of my parameters are almost dead on with acception of my calcium thats at 450. I am running carbon and my phosophates are at 0.0.
Now the algea is starting to grow on my corals and is starting to break off and float around the tank. I need help and hope that anyone here could help me identify this kind of algae. I am running radion pros that come on at 1 pm and turn off about 10:30.
Any help would be appreicated. Any questions that you may need to ask me to help please ask. I am going to do a water change in the next couple days and suck out as much as I can. this is not the first time I did this so I am expecting it to return.
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Views:	661
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ID:	10386Click image for larger version

Name:	P9060464.jpg
Views:	652
Size:	110.0 KB
ID:	10387

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  1. melev's Avatar
    I think you'll need to read up on Dinoflagellates. It tends to look like snot. I'd siphon out all you can to reduce the volume of it, using thin diameter tubing to not siphon out too much water at the same time.
  2. Articfox32's Avatar
    Thank you Marc, I am going to do a few day worth of reading on them before I really attempt to attack this algae problem. I already sucked a ton of it out with a tube and am planning on doing the water change this weekend. I have always trusted your advice and appreciate all the help.