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1000g "beautification" project/remodel The Begining.

Rating: 8 votes, 5.00 average.
I wanted to start this post off a little early. And open with a breakdown of the current system and reasoning for this remodel. This will be an ongoing blog so check back regularly for updates. First let me start with the fact that I am not a writer and this will be the first blog I have ever created, so I apologize for the multitude or grammatical errors, repetition, dullness, and overall piss poor writing that is bound to take place. I am also going to write this more as a journal versus a professional breakdown so there will be some personal info and opinions versus just the facts and figures as we go through the utter HELL this system has caused. Again I apologize if this bores you but I want to look back at this in 10 years and go....................oh yeah I remember that. I do better with questions rather than trying to explain. So if you have any questions or something doesn't quite make sense.........please please please ask and I will do my best to explain. I was asked to document this remodel on here vs just posting some progress pics on my Facebook, by someone I respect and I couldn't say no to, so I'm going to give this a shot. Ok so to begin..............This is going to be roughly a 80% remodel on this system, it is going to include an update on all of the electrical and plumbing work, installation of a Neptune Apex controller, a redesign of the rock work, a new stand and canopy, provided by Driftwood Aquarium Furniture, future additions of equipment and updating and reinstalling some species tanks. The work is slated to start the 12th of this month where I will be removing roughly 60% of the current rock work due to a severe aiptasia outbreak:

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and replacing with cured liverock, more on the aiptasia issue to come in future blogs as it is the main factor for this complete redo. The completion on the wood work, plumbing and electrical isn't scheduled to be completed until mid-late August. The conversion of the lighting from 8 400 w MH and 4 T-12 VHO actinics to 8 either EcoTech Radions or 10 Kessils A360's is slated for "hopefully" later this year (your opinions are greatly appreciated). Additional livestock will slowly be added and time frame on that will be up to the tank and how it reacts to this change, I will continue to update on this system. A current livestock list will be posted in the near future. To give some basic info on this tank is was built a few years back and IMO has some major issues regarding the plumbing electrical and overall functionality of the mechanics of the system, hence why I have to go back and fix it. The plumbing is simple yet confusing and looks to me as it was built more to make it look complex as to try and impress versus getting water from point A to point B in the safest, most efficient way possible.

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The electrical is a dangerous mess of power strips, 3 and 6 foot extension cords, no drip loops, no labels, exposed connections, wires just running too and fro, the all to common octopus of just putting the equipment here and running the cord to there.

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On the inside, from what I hear it was once a beautiful system. Sadly, I never had the opportunity to see the system in its hay-day and my first impression of the system was quite scary to say the least. but the words potential, potential and potential came to mind. The following pictures are of the system, taken shortly after I began to oversee this project. The coralline growth that you see used to cover a conservative guess of about 65% of the entire system. The front viewing side was only bordered with it, but on the 2 side viewing sides only portholes were scrubbed out for viewing. I was too embarrassed and not as invested at that time to take pictures of the system. As you can see it is a barren desert consisting of only a few large colonies of GSP, a large cabbage colony, A 14" Naso Tang, 2 Dussumieri tangs, a few fire fish, a flame angel, a coral beauty, 2 hippos, a yellow damsel, a few mushrooms and a variety of CUP snails and crabs only. Given the size of the system the livestock vanished and the system looked empty. There were 4 species tanks, 2 in the front and 1 on each side. These systems were tied into the main display but were void of life, minus a tube nem and to my surprise as I emptied these systems a yellow watchman and a red banded shrimp. They have been removed from the system but 2 will be reconfigured and added back to the front side of the system.

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This tank is 8' x 6' x 36" of 1.5 inch acrylic and holds roughly 950 gallons in the display.It sits on a solid metal framed stand with a Styrofoam and 2x8 base. The wood work on for the stand and canopy is a wreck. The design is poor and outdated, the initial construction used Velcro to hold the framework and corner panels on.

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The species tanks were shut down because of flaws in the design making them nearly impossible to maintain. It runs a 300 gal tank with glued in baffles to make it up a DIY sump/refugium with about a 16" water level making the total water volume of this system at that time roughly 1250 gallons. It is a dual overflow system both containing 2 2" drains, 1 reef flow 1HP return pump and 2 Reeflo 1/2 HP pumps for the closed loop system (which only runs in the front of the tank?) and runs the 4 seaswirls. It runs 2 ASM G3 skimmers, 8 400w MH and 4 T-12 VHO super actinics. I have since added 2 two little fishes 300 reactors for SeaChems Matrix Carbon and BRS GFO a Emperor Aquatics Smart HO 150 Watt UV Sterilizer. It runs a 5 stage BRS RO/DI system for ATO and the 150 gal onsite water change tub.

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The in TDS on average comes into the system between 450-500ppm, our local water is gross to say the least. On my first visit to the system the RO filter hadn't been replaced in years, the DI, my guess is the same and the Out TDS was above 100. They system now goes through a strict quarterly prefilter and DI resin change to ensure a 0 TDS for top off and water changes and the membrane is replaced annually.The system previously received monthly water changes of 150 gal equaling less than 10% turnover.I know do bi-monthly water changes of 150 gal. equaling a 25% total water turnover per month. I run Oceanic salt, as it mixes quickly and the Q&A process are through and gives me stable levels on water changes. The system currently is not dosed with any addition calcium, alk, or mag, as water changes alone keep levels at a sufficient level based on the current livestock. The only additive added to the system other than food is SeaChem AquaVitro Fuel, which is a coral trace element supplement that I will swear by. I will do a brief product review on this when we discuss the coral currently in this system or will answer any questions as I use this in ALL of my reef systems. It is hard to decide what information to tell and what to leave out, but again I apologize if this history of my experience with this system gets boring, but we have more to discuss as we go over the major reasons for this remodel, a disease outbreak, a pump failure, aiptasia, the woodwork being velcroed together, and the day to day grind of patiently and slowing rebuilding a poorly set up and neglected reef system. I am going to try and put up a post every couple days going over different topics, some will be short some will be sort and sweet, others will be long and detailed. Each post will be titled based on the topic but I will note that it pertains to this tank, as if this goes well I would like to do blogs on the other systems I have built and maintain. This is the tank as it sits now today on 7/8/2014.

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A quick little info about me.When I first started with this company I had just made a major life decision and left my career and decided to move across country to be closer to my children. I had been out of the hobby for a few years, but was still connected in the hobby as my position at that time was as a store manager at a major nation wide pet know the one that sells marine fish...........needless to say, I wouldn't by my own stuff from there, and I ran the place..........gotta love following P&P's even when you're disgusted by them. Any who I am truly addicted to this hobby and it scares me a bit, I am an avid reader of books, blogs anything relating to the hobby (The Reef Aquarium-Science, Art, Technology is a great read....check it out). Up until about 3 days ago I have been in a haze for about 3 months and had lost some of the passion. Operating a aquarium maintenance company is ridiculously stressful, time consuming and can suck the life out of you in heart beat, add my "real" job to the mix and its easy to get complacent and bored. Social-media has given me a second wind. A chance encounter has allowed me to be in contact with one of my idols, mentors and someone who turns out to be just another hobbyist. You know who you are and I just wanted to again thank you for pulling me out of the funk and guiding me in writing this blog. Happy reefing, please comment ask question and lets discuss this. Next post will be about the glass anemone infestation, the previous techniques used to remove/keep at bay and a current livestock list.

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Updated 07-08-2014 at 04:56 PM by Jhodge

Tank Entry , ‎ Tank - Full Summary , ‎ Plumbing , ‎ Lighting , ‎ Equipment


  1. melev's Avatar
    But first, let me take a selfie.

    Thanks for sharing this system with us, Justin. You definitely have your work cut out for you with a 1000g restoration project. My little 400g keeps me busy, and it doesn't have major issues to contend with. Looking forward to your future blogs.
  2. Jhodge's Avatar
    Hahahaha. Thank you melev!